Department is coming up with a new building to cater to B.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering Specialization in Artificial Intelligence students.
Currently Department has following Labs
CSE Core Lab: Equipped with 45 latest configuration computers caters to first year students for their first programming course.
Advance Lab 1: This lab has 30 state of art computers with all necessary software’s and dual boot operating system. Students practice writing programs related to subjects being taught in current semesters, which helps in understanding the concepts being taught in the class, this sharpens their programming skills. Lab caters to CSE students.
Advance Lab 2: This lab has 30 state of art computers with all necessary software’s and dual boot operating system. Students practice writing programs related to subjects being taught in current semesters, which helps in understanding the concepts being taught in the class, this sharpens their programming skills. Lab caters to CSE students.
Microprocessor and Digital Electronics Lab: Equipped with 8085 and 8086 Microprocessor kits, interface cards to conduct experiments like temperature measurement, stepper motor, seven segment display etc. This Lab helps students in understanding computer architecture and flow of program execution.
Network Lab: This Lab has 10 computers and is used for experimental work related to computer networks subject. Here students work on simulator to design computer network, understand working of various network equipments and working of protocols used in network communication of computers on a network
Research Lab: This Lab has 10 computers and is used by research scholars and final year students for their project work and experimentation.
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