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NOUS :- A Half-yearly Journal of Education, Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

The great educationist Sri Aurobindo said that education is not about providing information, it is about the development of mind, soul, and spirit (Alfassa, M. & Aurobindo, S., Education: General Principles). It reflects the ultimate aim of education i.e., nourishing and optimizing the uncovered spirits of the students that is also the elaboration of ‘NOUS’.

NOUS is a Greek word that means ‘Consciousness’; original ideas come only in the conscious mind and it converts into theories of knowledge by applying the process of research. It filters knowledge and expands it all over the world. Therefore, the idea behind the genesis of ‘NOUS’ is to collect and expand knowledge all over the world by appreciating the original ideas of the researcher. 

Formal Details of the Journal
Scope of NOUS

Prof. Vinay Kumar Pathak
Hon’ble Vice Chancellor
CSJM, University, Kanpur

Dr. Rashmi Gore
Head of the Department
Department of Education
CSJM, University, Kanpur UP