The University extends affiliation to the new institutions as per University Act, 1973 and as per guidelines issued by the government time to time. Permission is granted as per Statues, Govt. Orders and Ordinances.
Professional Institutions:
1. Arts, Science and Commerce Colleges 2. Law 3. Medicine 4. Engineering 5. Education 6. Management 7. Others Lib & I.Sc, Dental Sc., PGDCA, Para Medical Sc, Civil Aviation.
The University extend recognition to national institutions e.g. CDRI,CIMAP, NBRI, SGPGI, BSI and ITRC Lucknow, AIIMS, Giri Institute of Social Sciences, Pant Institute of Social Science, Allahabad, and ICGB New Delhi to provide research training leading to Ph.D./D.Sc. Degree. Scientists of these institutes are entitled to guide research scholars.
Rules and regulation of the State Govt. and UGC are applicable with respect to developmental needs and these are implemented through authorities of University. Apart from that regular meetings of Principals of affiliated colleges are held to review admission policy, information about new courses, projects of the UGC/Central Govt./State Govt., schemes for financial and academic scheme, examination reforms, grant-in-aid etc. Proposals for development are discussed and administrative and academic assistance is provided by the University.
Every application for affiliation of a college shall be so as to reach the Registrar not less than 12 months before the commencement of the session in respect of which the affiliation is sought:
Provided that the Chancellor may, in special circumstances, reduce the said period in the interest of higher education to such extent, as he may deem necessary.
Every application for affiliation of a college shall be accompanied by a Bank Draft payable to the University for a sum of Rs. 2000/- which will be non-refundable.
Before an application for affiliation is placed before the Executive Council, the Vice-Chancellor must be satisfied with regard to the following particulars, namely :
That the provisions of statutes 12.05, 12.06 and 12.07 have been complied with.
That the institution satisfies the demand for higher education in the locality.
That the Management concerned has provided or as adequate financial resources to provide for :
Suitable and Sufficient Building.
Adequate library, furniture, stationery, equipment and laboratory facilities.
Two hectares of land (excluding covered areas).
Facilities for health and recreation of the students.
Payment of salary and the other allowances to the employees of the college for at least three years.
The constitution of the Management of every college shall provide that-
The Principal of the college shall be ex-officio member of the Management.
25% of the members of the management, are teachers (including the Principals)
The teachers (excluding the Principal) referred to in clause (b) are such members for a period of one year by rotation in order of seniority
One member of the Management shall be from the non-teaching class-III employees of the college selected for a period of one year by rotation in order or seniority.
Subject to the Provisions of clause (c) no two members of the Management shall be related to each other within the meaning of the Explanation 20.
No change in the said constitution shall be made except with the prior permission of the Vice-Chancellor.
If any question arises whether any person has been duly chosen as, or is entitled to be a member or office-bearer of the Management or whether the Management is legally constituted, the decision of the Vice-Chancellor
The college is prepared to place before any person or persons authorized by the Vice-Chancellor or before the panel of inspectors appointed by the University all original documents pertaining to income and expenditure of the college including the accounts of the Society, Trust, Board or Parent body under which it may be operating.
The income from the Endowment funds referred to in statute 12.06 shall be available for the maintenance of the College.
For every college (other than a college exclusively maintained by the State Government or by a local authority), there shall be a separate endowment fund which shall be pledged with the Registrar of the University and which shall not be alienated so long as the college continues to exist of the value of-
Rs. 2.5 Lakhs in the case of a college applying for affiliation in Arts.
Rs. 2.5 Lakhs in the case of a college applying for affiliation in Commerce.
Rs. 2.5 Lakhs in the case of a college applying for affiliation in Education.
Rs. 2.5 Lakhs in the case of a college applying for affiliation in Law.
Rs. 3 Lakhs in the case of a college applying for affiliation in Science.
Rs. 3 Lakhs in the case of a college applying for affiliation in Agriculture. to provided exclusively for degree classes.
If the college wants affiliation up to Post-Graduate standard, additional Endowment fund of the value of Rs. 20,000/- per subject in the case of Arts, Commerce, Education or Law and Rs. 30,000/- per subject in the case of Science or Agriculture shall have to be provided for.
Such Endowment funds shall be invested in Fixed Deposit Account of a Scheduled Bank or in such other manner as the University may direct.
A college seeking affiliation in any course requiring laboratory work shall further satisfy the University that-
Separate laboratories are provided in each branch of Science and that each of them is suitably equipped and;
Sufficient and suitably apparatus and equipment are provided for the carrying of experimental work.
If the Vice-Chancellor is satisfied with regard to matter in the preceding Statutes, the application shall be placed before the Executive Council, which shall appointment a Panel of Inspectors to inspect the college and make a detailed report on all relevant matters. The panel so appointed shall include the Regional Deputy Director or Education in the case of Boy’s or co-educational college and the Regional Inspectress in the case of a Girl’s College.
Ordinarily all Inspections shall be completed within 4 months of the receipt of an application for affiliation. No application for affiliation shall be granted by the Executive Council unless it is satisfied about the financial soundness and of the available resources of the college proposed to be affiliated on the report of the panel of Inspectors. The process of grant or refusal of application should ordinarily be completed before 15th May of the year in which it is proposed to start the classes.
Where the affiliation to a college is granted subject to certain conditions, the college shall not admit or register students unless the Vice-Chancellor after due inspection has issued a certificate that the condition imposed by the University have been duly fulfilled. If there are practical difficulties for the Vice-Chancellor to inspect the college personally, he may nominate a qualified person or persons to inspect the college concerned.
Affiliation of Colleges for new Degrees or Additional Subjects
Every application from an affiliated college for starting courses of instructions for a new degree or in new subjects shall be made so as to reach the Registrar before the 15th of August of the year preceding the one in which it is proposed to start such courses.
Each college applying for affiliation for a new degree or for a new subjects, shall remit with its application a sum of Rs. 200 for each subject with a minimum of Rs. 400 and a maximum of Rs. 1000 which will be non- refundable.
No application for affiliation for a new subject shall be considered unless the registrar gives a certificate in writing that the conditions of affiliation and of previous affiliation have been fulfilled in total.
If the Vice-Chancellor is satisfied in regard to the need for such affiliation and if the college has fulfilled and continues to fulfill all conditions of previous affiliation the application shall be placed before the Executive Council which shall appoint a Panel of Inspectors and the Provisions of Statutes 12.08 shall apply.
Ordinarily, all inspections referred to in statute 12.14 shall be completed by the end of October, to enable the Executive Council of the University to scrutinize the reports of the Inspection well in time.
Restrictions imposed by Statute 12.10 shall apply to an affiliated college applying for affiliation for new degree or additional subjects.
Every affiliated college shall strictly observe the rules laid down by the University regarding admission to college, residence and discipline of students.
Every affiliated college shall make available to the University its buildings, libraries and laboratories with their equipment and appurtenances and also the services of such of its teaching and other staff as may be necessary for the purpose of conducting the University examinations.
Every affiliated college shall have on its staff teachers having such qualifications who shall be given such grades of pay, and be governed by such other condition of service as may be laid down from time to time in the ordinances, or in the order of the State Government in that behalf.
Provided that no ordinance relating to grades of pay and qualifications shall be made without the prior approval of the State Government.
When the office of the Principal of an affiliated college falls vacant, the Management may appoint any teacher to officiate as Principal for a period of three months or until the appointment of a regular Principal, whichever is earlier. If on or before the expiry of the period of three months any regular Principal is not appointed or such a Principal does not assume office, the senior most teacher in the college shall officiate as Principal of such college until a regular Principal is appointed.
Every affiliated college shall observe the conditions set out in Statutes 12.04 to 12.07.
Provided that in the case of a college affiliated before the commencement of these statutes, the Vice-Chancellor may require the Management of such college to fulfill and observe such of the conditions set out in Statutes 12.04, 12.06 and 12.07 which the Vice-Chancellor considers reasonable.
Provided further that if the Management of such college fails to comply with the requirement issued under the preceding proviso within the time specified by the Vice-Chancellor may take steps for the withdrawal of the affiliation in accordance with Statutes 12.28 to 12.32.
Every affiliated college shall by 15th August every year submit to the Registrar a certificate from the Principal that the conditions laid down for affiliation have continued to be fulfilled.
Every affiliated college shall maintain the registers required for affiliated colleges and shall from time to time furnish to the Registrar returns in such forms as may be required by the University.
Where the Executive Council or the Vice-Chancellor causes any affiliated college to be inspected it or he may communicate to the college the result of such inspection together with its or his views thereon and direct the Management regarding the action to be taken.
Where the Management of an affiliated college does not take action to the satisfaction of the Executive Council or the Vice-Chancellor, the council may, either on its own motion or on a report to that effect received from the Vice-Chancellor, after considering any explanation furnished or representation made by the Management issue such directions as it may think fit, and the Management shall comply with such direction, failing which the Executive Council may proceed to take action under or in accordance with Statute 12.31.
Information regarding all posts in the teaching staff of the college that fall vacant temporarily or permanently shall be communicated to the Registrar within 15 days of their falling vacant.
The number of students in a class or section in an affiliated college shall not except with the previous permission of the Vice-Chancellor, exceed 60 for purposes of lectures in the class room but in no case, shall exceed 80.
Before a new section in any class is opened by any college, full information regarding additional staff required (together with their qualifications and salaries, time table for the new section, accommodation available and provision for additional equipment and Library facilities) shall be sent to the University and prior permission of the Vice-Chancellor be obtained.
Withdrawal of Affiliation
Continuance of affiliation shall depend on continued fulfillment of conditions laid down by the University.
An affiliated college shall be deemed to have been disaffiliated if it fails to send up any candidate for an examination conducted by the University for three successive.
The Executive Council may direct a college not to admit students to a particular class if the conditions laid down for starting the class have in the opinion of the Executive Council been disregarded by the college concerned. The class may, however, be restarted with the prior permission of the Executive Council when the conditions are fulfilled to its satisfaction.
If a college disregards the requirement of the University regarding the fulfillment of the conditions of affiliation and fails to fulfill the conditions in spite of notice issued by the University, the Executive Council may with the previous sanction of the Chancellor, suspend the affiliation till the conditions are fulfilled to the satisfaction of the satisfaction of the Executive Council.
The Executive Council may with the prior sanction of the Chancellor deprive an affiliated college of the privileges of affiliation either wholly or for any degree or subject, if it fails to comply with the directions of the Executive Council or to fulfill the conditions of affiliation or for gross mismanagement or if for any other reason the Executive Council is of opinion that the college should be deprived of such affiliation.
If the salaries of the staff are not paid regularly, or if the teachers are not paid their salaries to which they were entitled under the Statutes or the Ordinances, the college concerned would be liable to withdrawal of affiliation within the meaning of this statute.
The Executive Council shall before taking any action under the preceding Statutes, call upon a college to take, within a specified period, such action as may appear to be necessary in respect of any of the matters referred to in the conditions of affiliation.
Whenever there is a dispute regarding the management of an affiliated college, persons found by the Vice-Chancellor to be in actual possession and control of the college properties may, for purposes of the Act and these Statutes be recognized to constitute the Management of such college until a court of competent jurisdiction orders otherwise.
Provided that the Vice-Chancellor shall before making an order under this statute,afford an opportunity to the rival claimants to make written representation.
In determining the question as to who is in actual possession and control of the college properties the Vice-Chancellor shall have regard to the control over the funds of the institution over the actual administration, the receipt of the income from the property of the institution and to other relevant circumstances which might have bearing on the question to be determined.
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