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Dr. Shubham Bajpai
Assistant Professor (Plant Protection), School of Advanced Agriculture Sciences and Technology
Research Interest : Mycology, Disease Survey and Surveillance, Endophytes, Disease Detection and Diagnosis, Quarantine pest detection techniques and country condition for export and import.
Bio Sketch/About
Dr. Shubham Bajpai was born on 5th January 1990 at District Sitapur, Uttar-Pradesh. He has received his graduate degree in Agriculture (2011) from the Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University, Kanpur. He obtained his Post Graduation (2013) and Doctoral degree (2019) from University of Allahabad (A Central University). His research expertise in field of Plant Protection. He has published numerous research papers, book chapters in leading national and international journals. He worked as Technical Officer in Plant Pathology at Regional Plant Quarantine Station, Kolkata, where he contributed in disease detection and diagnosis of plant pathogens from the export and import agricultural consignments. Dr. Bajpai is recipient of Best Young Scientist Award during Global Conference on Smart Horticulture for Prosperity and Nutritional Security (GCSH-2025) organized by College of Horticulture, University of Horticultural Sciences, Bagalkot, Karnataka (India).
