Screen Reader Access
Mr. Pradeep Kumar Tiwari
M.A. (mathematic), M.Ed., UGC-NET in Education, Ph. D. in Education (Pursuing)
Assistant Professor, Department of Advanced Educational Research & Teaching of Educational Foundations
Bio Sketch/About
He holds M.Ed. from C.S.J.M. University, Kanpur. B.Ed. from C.S.J.M. University, Kanpur & M.A. (mathematic) from C.S.J.M. University Kanpur and Ph.D. in Education (Pursuing) from C.S.J.M. University, Kanpur. He is also having a ‘CCC’ computer diploma from DOEACC Society, Govt. of India. He has Qualified UGC NET in Education, CTET and UPTET (Primary & Secondary level). He has 03 years teaching experience as Assistant Professor (B.Ed.), C.S.J.M University Kanpur. He specializes in the area of Educational Technology, and Educational Administration. He has participated and presented 2 papers in various National/International conferences and seminars, and has contributed 01 chapter related to Education book. He has credit 05 published research papers in various UGC Care listed/refereed journals in education. Being a lover of reading and writing his aim is to promote the knowledge in the society.

