Bio Sketch/About
Dr. Gaurav Kumar graduated from Hindu College (University of Delhi) and pursued his post graduation in Biomedical Science from the University of Delhi. He earned his PhD in 2016 working in Defence Institute of Physiology and Allied Sciences (DRDO) thesis titled "Molecular Mechanism of Hypobaric Hypoxia-induced Neuro-physiological Perturbations". Dr. Kumar is a recipient of a DST-SERB National Postdoctoral Fellowship to pursue his postdoctoral work in the School of Life Science at JNU and an ICMR Research Associateship to work in the peptide and proteomics division in the Defence Institute of Physiology and allied sciences (DRDO). He has also been the recipient of various fellowships to attend multiple international training programmes like the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism fellowship to participate in the Cajal Advanced Neuroscience Training in "Brain Homeostasis and Neurovascular Coupling" in Bordeaux, France (2019). Allen brain institute stipened to attend "Molecular neuroanatomy" course in Okinawa institute of sciences and technology, Japan (2012) and Advance Wellcome Trust course on "System biology and functional genomics" Sanger institute Cambridge UK 2013.