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Teaching FAQ

Teaching-Learning and Evaluation

1. How are students selected for admission into various courses?
  a) Through special entrance tests Yes
  b) Through interviews Yes
  c) Through their academic record Yes
  d) Through combination of the above Yes
2. Are there departmental libraries for the use of faculty and students?
  If yes, give details.
  Many institutes and departments have departmental libraries i.e. Institute of Management, Institute of Engg. & Tech., Department of Bio Science & Bio Technology have the departmental libraries. These libraries are utilized by the faculty and students of the respective departments. The students in their leisure periods sit in the departmental libraries for consultation of journals and text books.
3. Apart from class room instruction, what are the other avenues of learning provided for the students? (Projects, Internships, Field trainings, Seminars)
  Projects, Educational Tours, Seminars and Field Training as per requirement of the various courses, for example field work is compulsory in M.S.W
4. a) Is there a provision for assessing student’s knowledge and skills for a particular programme (after admission) ?
    If yes, cite examples.
    After the admission, the knowledge of the students is assessed through different tests and their skill is assessed through fresher’s welcome programme i.e. by arranging debates and musical programmes etc.
  b) Does the University provide bridge / remedial courses to the educationally disadvantaged students?
    If yes, cite examples.
  c) How are advanced learners challenged to work ahead of the rest ?
5. Furnish the following: (for the last two years)
    2003-04 2004-05
Number of working days of the University 270 286
Number of teaching days of the University 210 226
Ratio of full-time teachers to part-time teachers 5:1 10:1
Ratio of teaching staff to non-teaching staff 1:4 1:2
Percentage of classes taught by full-time faculty 80% 90%
6. Does the institution monitor the overall performance of students to ensure the achievements of the course objectives?
  If yes, give details.
  Over all performance is monitored periodically by the senior members of faculty. This is done through the periodical tests, project reports, seminars and workshops.
7. What type of evaluation method is currently being followed? How long has it been in practice?
  Semester as well as annual examinations. Apart from that, internal evaluation of students is also done by faculty members in all the self financing courses.
8. During the last 10 years, how many times has the method of evaluation been changed?
  Only once (in 1995).
9. How are the question papers set to ensure the achievement of the course objectives ?
  For the last five years, the traditional pattern of question papers has been changed. The question papers are now set on the basis of entire syllabus and the papers have three sections : Section A- Numerical, Analytical and problematic type of questions (20%), Section B- Short answer type (60%) and Section C- Descriptive type questions (20%). The question papers have questions from the whole syllabus with limited internal choice and the students have to study the entire syllabus and attempt all questions. Similarly the teachers have to complete the entire syllabus through class-teaching in the prescribed teaching days of the session.
10. State the policy of the University for the constitution of the board of question paper setters, board of examiners and invigilators.
  The board of question paper setters and examiners is constituted by the members of Board of Studies and the Examination Committee. It includes 50% internal and 50% external paper setters and examiners. As regards the invigilators it is decided by Centre Superintendent.
11. What guidelines are adopted in choosing the question paper setters and the examiners?
  There are 50% external examiner and 50% internal examiners, appointed by the Vice-Chancellor on the recommendation of Board of Studies. The external examiners are eminent experts in respective subject/paper. Internal examiners are chosen on the basis of seniority and specialization in subject/paper concerned.
12. What is the method of valuation followed?
  a) Central valuation Yes
  b) Door valuation No
13. What are the practices of the institution regarding the following?
  a) Double valuation No
  b) Moderation No
  c) Re-valuation No
  d) Re-totaling Yes (Scrutiny)
  e) Return of photocopy of valued scripts No
14. How regular and time-bound are conduct of examinations and announcement of results? Substantiate.
  The University has the largest numbers of affiliating colleges (312) and also the largest number of student (5 Lakhs approx.). The University is the Ist in the State not only to regularise the academic sessions but also in conducting the examinations and declaring the results well in time. The schedule of the last two years are given below –
Session Exams. Held between All results declared by
2003-04 March 10, 04 to June 25, 04
  May 20, 04  
2004-05 March 03, 05 to June 20, 05
  May 15, 05  
15. What percentage of the total budget is allocated to the academic programmes?
16. How many of the academic faculty have at least a one step higher qualification at least one step higher than the mandatory minimal level?
17. Provide the following information about the teaching staff recruited during the last two years:
Year Same State Other States
Same Institution Other Institution
Year before 18 40 06
Year before last 02 10 01
18. Furnish the following data regarding the recruitment of University teachers of last two years.
Teaching Staff Recruited From
Same State Other States
Same institution Other institutions
18 40 06
02 10 01
Category of the Vacancy Month and Year of 2004-2005
Self-funded (S) or Government funded (G) S/G Advertisement Appointment of selection committee Selection Committee Meeting Appointment letter to candidates
Self-funded Apr.,2004 July. & Aug.,2004 July. & Aug.,2004 Sep.,2004
Self-funded Feb. & Mar.,2005 May,2005 Jun.,2005 Jun.,2005
19. How do the faculty keep abreast with recent developments in their subject area?
  The University provides opportunity to the teaching staff to participate in conferences, workshops and seminars upto national level. The subject specialists and scholars are invited to deliver extension lectures. The faculty also visits Centers of Advance Studies. Apart from this, the faculty also have access to 5000 online journals and latest books in the Central Library. Now most of the faculty members utilize this facility and keep abreast of the latest developments in their subject fields. Besides, all the departments are connected with internet facility.
20. What are the significant innovations in teaching-learning, introduced by the University during the last three years? Give details indicating unique features.
  Audio visual aids have been introduced in classroom teaching. Besides, summer training, workshops and seminar are organized as a part of teaching. In vocational courses, field exposure has been introduced as a part of practical training, i.e. the students of B.L.I.Sc. & M.L.I.Sc. are sent to central library everyday for practical training. They are exposed to various functions of central library.
21. Give the number of teachers who have attended seminars/ conferences/ workshops as participants/resource persons in the last two years.
Year Participant Resource Person
Year before 60 10
Year before last 25 05
22. How are the faculty inducted in the use of computers, information technology and such support services?
  The majority of academics have already basic knowledge of computers. Each department is provided with PCs for use of teachers and students, and Internet connectivity through Computer Center for access to full-text online journals and other resources. The University has its own website ( The faculty is given training in the use of information technology on regular basis.
23. Does the institution follow the self-appraisal method to evaluate teachers on teaching, research and work satisfaction?
  If yes, how is the self-appraisal of teachers analysed and used?
  In most of the cases a committee is setup for the screening/assessment of the self-appraisal of the teachers and it is analysed. But this process is limited only in the cases of promotions and assessments.
24. Does the institution have a mechanism other than self-appraisal to evaluate teachers on teaching, research and work satisfaction? (Peers, Students)
  If yes, how is it used?
  The teachers are evaluated through their active participation in research, publications of articles in national and international research journals, presenting research papers in conferences, symposia and seminars, and also through active participation in curricular and extra curricular activities.
25. Give details of a few faculty development programmes and the number of faculty who have benefited from it, during the last two years.
Year Number of beneficiaries
Programmes organized by the Institution Programmes organized by other agencies
Year before Three Lecture series attended by many University teachers 150
Year before last In 2 Lecture series more than 175 faculty and students were benefited. 120
26. Indicate the number of faculty who have availed study leave and sabbatical leave during the last two years.
Year Study leave Sabbatical leave
Year before Nil 05
Year before last Nil 02
27. What are the national and international linkages established for teaching?
  Some of the members of the faculty have linkage with Foreign Universities. They often visit these Universities as visiting faculty and also attends seminars and conferences.
28. What are the teaching awards won by the faculty?
  Many faculty members of various departments have got international recognition on the basis of their research work and got recognition such as Man of the Year, Man of the Century, Kanpur Ratna etc. our Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor Prof. S.S. Katiyar is recipient of the galaxy of distinguished honours and awards such as Bharat Excellence Award, New Millennium Plaque of Honour Award, Fellowship of the Third World Academy of Science, U.P. Vigyan Gaurav and Padamsree.
29. Any other highlights.
  The University has developed a very vibrant environment in learning and evaluation processes. Meritorious students are provided with adequate scholarships, based on their past year result and merit, from the University’s own funds. University also spends a substantial amount on academic and industrial tours for the students for on-the-spot study and interaction with academicians of repute and practitioners in Science, Technology and Management. All students are exposed to continuous evaluation through Sessional Tests, Structured Assignments, Departmental Seminars and Group Discussions. The faculty is also encouraged to interact with experts who are invited on Board of Studies, Research Degree Committees and Academic Council, etc. Besides different types of medals, trophies and merit certificates were also won by faculties in different subjects.