Access to Electronic Journals and Database
All the e-resources like ebooks, e-journals, databases, e-theses etc using our E- Library where millions of e-resources are available 24X7 for research community of the CSJMU University. We are also offering remote access facilities to our users. This is also include the access of U.G.C. – INFONET E-Journals – consortium, Shodhganaga (repository of e-theses archive), National Digital Library More than ten thousand full text electronic journals & databases are available to research community of the CSJMU University through INFLIBNET website ( or publisher’s web sites directly.

Library Web OPAC
OPAC: For searching the library collection the Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) facilitry is provided. The OPAC provides detail bibliographic information of the collection holding, membership status, dues etc. Access to thesis is also provided through Online Public Access Catalogue.
to access webopac please visit-

Circulation Section: Issue and return of books is handled with the help of computers. In this Section located at the main entrance gate. The timings of issue and return of books are 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Bar Coding Technology in Circulation Work
For accurate and expeditious circulation service in the library, almost all the collection of library is Bar Coded with thermal printing. The Bar coding of students IDs are also being made Barcodes labels.

QR Code Services
A Quick Response (QR) code is a matrix barcode readable by smart phones and mobile phones with cameras.
All the available e-resources like e-books, e-journals is converted in QR Code and displayed maximum areas of Central Library so that each and every users can access all the available resources using there mobile phone simply clicking on the QR code.

e-News Clipping Service
The Central Library offers monthly e-News clipping Service to users in public domain related to CSJMU Community which is highly used by the community and academia and is accessible from our e-library application.

Seating Capacity – Library is having seating capacity to accommodate 700+ students at a time.

Audio Visual Lab for Person with Disability (PWD)
An audio visual lab for the physically challenged person has been created in the library to access library resources with following services and facilities:-
- Braille to Text Software for the visually impaired
- Text to Braille software- The Software is menu driven and user friendly. It can be operated by any computer user with minimum knowledge of Braille. The software converts the Indian Language text files into the corresponding Braille instantly. The software supports 12 major Indian languages and English. Bharati Braille Standard, which is the official Braille standard in the country, has been followed for transcription. The software supports 13 major Indian languages including Hindi and English.
- Hands Free Instruments – To operate complete system by voice.
- Lex cam- It is a highly portable camera system that gives dyslexic users near instant access to practically any physical document. Easy Braille – Multimedia based Braille learning CBT This CBT (computer based training) is an interactive multimedia based CD for learning Braille in Indian languages for sighted persons. It covers from simple alphabets to complex contraction rules in lucid language enhanced by audio. It provides self-test facility at various stages. It is based on standard rulebooks followed in our country. This is useful in teachers / transcribers ‘training program. This multimedia based CBT will help the user to learn about Braille. This CBT consists Braille basics, Braille rules, Nemeth code (mathematic codes), Bharati Braille ( Braille in Indian languages), Self evaluation and story of Braille. The software supports Hindi and English.
- Index Basic D Embosser Index Braille embosser is the most sold Braille embosser in the world. Basic-D is portable, fast and simple to use. Fan folded paper gives unbeatable stability. The embosser is controlled by Braille-labeled front panel. It can emboss both side of a paper, it is easy to install and can be operated by blind and sighted users alike. The embosser is connected to the computer through serial port and USB port.
- Print configuration can be done through the front panel. Speech feedback is available for visually impaired users.
- Braille Display- Braille paper is costly, longevity of Braille book is limited and Braille books are bulky. To overcome these difficulties, it’s a paperless reading system consisting electronic tactile reader and Read-Braille Software. The device has refreshable Braille display of 20 characters in one line and a few control keys visually impaired persons can read a Braille file I book / document from a PC at his own speed. The control keys allow him to go to Next Line I Previous Line, Next Block I Previous Block, and Start I End of Book etc. up to four Tactile Readers can be connected to one computer.
- Mathematics and Science books in Braille for the education of Visually Impaired students. Easy and User-Friendly interface to input Mathematical Symbols, Single mouse click operation to convert text to Braille. The Read-Braille Software allows the librarian to associate a Braille or Text file particular Reader.
- Braille reading instruments- For reading Braille documents.
- Screen reading software – It enable blind person to work on computer.
- Book reading software- Reading material can be visualized and listen through flat bed scanner.
- Braille scanning software- electronic Braille documents can be read through this instrument.
- Video magnifier – For magnify the video
- One hand keyboard, Foot paddle mouse, 20 keys programmable keyboard, mouse magnifier, large print keyboard

Automatic Gate Entry module -The Gate Module designed to ensured, validates and authenticates the entry of the bonafide library members. It also tracks records of entry and exit of visitors.

Wi-Fi enabled Library: – It is a popular technology that allows an electronic device to exchange data wirelessly (using radio waves) over a computer network, including high-speed Internet connections. A library user with enabled Wi-Fi (i.e. Mobile, Tablet, Laptop etc.) device can access library resources like online journals e-achieves, e-thesis and library OPAC etc.)
Digital Library & Internet Services: – There are twenty customized cubicles in the Digital Library to accommodate 40 users at a time. Digital library is having Internet Access permission. It gives the facility to access e- resources, full text online journals/books as well as full text thesis archive.
Close Circuit TV (CCTV) :- For minimizing the theft, damages of the reading materials and watching library activities, close circuit TV cameras are (CCTV) installed in each and every areas of the Central Library.