The functional areas of Central Library have been divided into different sections for its smooth functioning:
- Membership- Library membership is open to the members of the university community (i.e. teachers, officers, research scholars, students and other employees of the university). Consultation facility is also provided to the teachers and research scholars of other universities and colleges, on the production of proper identity /recommendations from concerned authorities. Under this section the membership of the library for their bonafide users is processed. All the activities related to their library membership are addressed in this section, It is placed at the main entrance gate of the main building. Check the membership form and rules and regulations of the library.
- Circulation Section- The section is located at the main entrance gate of the building and it is fully automated. Issue and return of the books are handled from this Section. The timing of circulation services is from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
- Acquisition Section- This Section acquires books and other reading material selected by the faculty members as well as recommended by the Head of the various Departments. This is located on the ground floor of the main building. And this section is restricted for the users to visit. Recommendation forms are available on download tab.
- Technical Section- Before the reading material is made available for use on the stacks, it is technically processed in this Section and it is located on the Ground Floor of the Library.
- Reference Section- The books or other important documents/ resources like Annual reports, dictionaries, Encyclopaedia etc. which are non-issuable, are placed in this section. Students are allowed to consult these resources in this section only.
- Display of Books / Exhibitions- To make the user aware of the newly added collection of books, this section is placed on the first floor of the main building.
- Theses Section- The hard copies of the awarded theses are placed in the section and their soft copies are made on the Shodhganga platform.
- Periodicals Section- All the subscribed magazines and newspaper are placed in this section and provides the current sources of information. The library also provides access to e-newspaper and e-magazines through PressReader platform
- Computer Section- This section is located on the Ground Floor of the Library. The section houses the main server, scanners and printers. It manages the working of the entire Computer System of the Library.