Welcome to GSV, Central Library
Central library is a centrally located and has grand three-storied building equipped with all the modern facilities. It has a seating capacity for about 700 users. It has a huge collection of more than 150,000+ books, Library also hold variety of other resources like E -books, thesis, dissertations, rare books, Periodicals, bound volumes of journals. In addition to print collection library also hold rich collection of e-resources like e-journals, e-books and lectures, thesis, videos, video lectures, talks databases etc. Central library caters the requirements of all campus students, faculty, staff of the University as well as research scholars from all affiliated colleges.
The Central Library aims to:
- To bridge the gap between teaching and learning and support the learning process of the students, teachers, scholars and stakeholders through effective services and sharing provision of knowledge/information.
- To provide seamless access to qualitative information in all forms to the faculty, students and staff in support of teaching, learning, scholarship and research mission of the University.
- To establish and maintain an effective relationship with the students, faculty, researchers and staff of the Institute to ensure an informed and integrated approach to the creation and delivery of information services
- To select, collect, create, organize, preserve, manage and provide access to information sources in print, non-print and digital forms, regardless of physical location, to support scholarly pursuit, learning, teaching and research in the University.
- To create and maintain a conducive environment for study and research.
- To manage the information resources effectively and actively promote the optimum usage.
- Establishing a good rapport with users in terms catering the effective and efficient services.
- Empowering the users to make effective use of resources and services in their teaching, learning and research by engaging them in various activities like -user awareness programs, talks, workshops, exhibitions and many more.

Library Timings
- Library is open from 10:00 AM to 12:00 Mid Night from Monday to Saturday. On Second Saturday/ Sunday and Holidays it is opened till 5:00 pm
- The Library remains closed on National Holidays, Gazetted Holidays and other holidays declared by the University.